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Company Introduction

          CAS Cold Atom Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CASCA” )found.ed in 2020, it was listed as a national high-tech enterprise in 2022. The company's researchand development team comes from the innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Sci-ence and Technology, CAS, China.0ur team is one of the first teams to start the research onQuantum technology of neutral atoms in China,We have 2 chief scientists of the National KeyR&D Program (973), 3 candidates for the National Youth Talent Program, and over 20 doctor.al (postdoctoral) students. We have published over 300 high-level articles (including Science, PRL, etc.) and nearly 100 patents, lt is the first team in China to possess both quantumcomputing and quantum precision measurement research and industrialization capabili-.ties. The team is in the first echelon of similar international research in the fields of atomic in-terferometry precision measurement, neutral atom quantum computing and other researchfields, and has profound technical accumulation in the fields of characteristic advantagessuch as quantum precision measurement, quantum computing, quantum measurement andcontrol and application.
       Based on independent innovation, the company focuses on the original innovation andtechnology research and development of Quantum technology, builds a quantum precisionmeasurement industrial cluster with atomic technology as the core, promotes the wave of Quantum technology revolution, and strives to become the world's leading Quantum tech-nology industry leader.

Corporate Culture
  • Vision
  • Values

    Accelerating the quantum revolution with cold atom


    Integrity. Altruism, Positivity, Integrity


    Becoming an internationally leading provider of quantum technology

  • Goal
Development history
1 / 999
Enterprise Honour

Drive the wave of quantum technology revolution